Explore all Little Alchemy elements starting with the letter M on this page. Find out the combinations required to create each element. Many of these elements are links to full walkthroughs, providing detailed steps to create them. Use the alphabet buttons to browse elements under different letters, or check out our FAQ and Blog for more about how to make things in Little Alchemy.
Element | Combinations |
mac and cheese | cheese + pasta |
mailman | human + letter |
manatee | cow + sea |
map | earth + paper |
Mars | planet + rust |
marshmallows | campfire + sugar |
mayonnaise | egg + oil |
meat | blade + livestock | butcher + cow | butcher + livestock | butcher + pig | cow + tool | pig + tool |
medusa | human + snake |
mermaid | fish + human |
metal | fire + stone |
meteor | atmosphere + meteoroid | meteoroid + sky |
meteoroid | space + stone |
microscope | bacteria + glass | bacteria + glasses |
milk | cow + farmer | cow + human |
milk shake | ice cream + milk |
Milky Way | milk + space |
minotaur | cow + human |
mirror | glass + metal |
mold | bread + time |
monarch | castle + human | crown + human | Excalibur + human |
money | gold + paper |
monkey | tree + wild animal |
Moon | cheese + sky | sky + stone |
moss | algae + stone | plant + stone |
moth | butterfly + Moon | butterfly + night |
motorcycle | bicycle + energy | bicycle + steel |
Mounds | chocolate + coconut |
mountain | earth + earthquake |
mountain goat | goat + mountain | goat + mountain range |
mountain range | mountain + mountain |
mouse | cheese + wild animal |
mousetrap | cheese + metal | cheese + wood |
mud | earth + water |
mummy | corpse + pyramid |
music | flute + human | human + sound |